A primarily U.S. Southern slang term meaning that all hell might, or is about to break loose. The origin of this figurative anarchy-related phrase is presently unknown, although it predates The Waterboy. If "cans of whoop ass" were actual items what would they contain? Would they be beverages with high concentrations of caffeine, alcohol or anabolic steroids? What might some possible marketing slogans be?
  • Make your next church social an event to remember... Spike the punch bowl with a six pack of Whoop Ass!
  • Feeling nasty? Feeling mean? Whoop Ass will help you set the scene!
  • Whoop Ass... For those special occasions when a punch in the nose just isn't enough!
  • Whoop Ass! It's like Jackie Chan in a can!

Wait... there is a soda called Whoop Ass! Seriously... check it out!
And, no, the reference to Mr. Chan is not to imply that he's mean. The guy rocks!