The porn industry does make games, some of which my friends and I had the good fortune to see on a recent trip to Bowlers Computer Fair in Manchester.

We'd already exhausted the entertainment possibilities of bad fake games with skewed-out-of-all-proportion GENUINE! 'stickers', bad fake consoles, pirated films with incredibly pixellated covers, hacking programs conveniently placed right next to anti-virus and firewall software that was supposed to protect you from them, and Grow Your Own Marijuana kits, so imagine the excitement when we stumbled upon such gems as **3D HENTAI!!!** (NOW MORE 3D!) and Strip Tic Tac Toe (and various others along the Strip... theme).

For some reason, all these games were rated 16+ (puzzlingly enough, although the age of consent in the UK is 16, watching pornography isn't legal until you're 18. Also, there is no 16 classification - just Uc/U, PG/PG12, 12 (now obsolete), 15 and 18). Made about as much sense as the neighbouring Japanese imports that the packaging and stallholder (after he'd stopped glaring at us in suspicion) assured us were "full-on hardcore" but still had a blurry looking 12 rating.

Or so I heard...