
The daughter of the river god Asopus. She was loved by Zeus and abducted by him. Her father travelled all over Greece, hunting for her and he discovered the truth through Sisyphus who wished to have a spring on his acropolis at Corinth. Asopus gave him the Spring of Pirene as a reward but Sisyphus later paid for this treachery in the Underworld. When Asopus returned to his original bed Zeus struck him with lightning and later still, lumps of coal could be found in the bed of the Asopus. Zeus took Aegina away to the island of Oenone and fathered a son (see Aeacus and Table 30). The island subsequently took her name. Later Aegine went to Thessaly, where she married Actor and gave birth to another son, Menoetius, who was to be the father of Patroclus.


Table of Sources:
- Paus. 2, 5, 1
- Apollod. Bibl. 1, 9, 3; 3, 12, 6
- Pind. Isth. 7, 15 (21); Ol. 9, 67ff. (104ff.) with schol. on 104
- Hdt. 5, 80
- Hyg. Fab. 52; 115
- Ovid, Met. 6, 113