After the rebellion of Korah, Dathan and Abiram, it was necessary for Aaron to possess something to indicate and emphasize the authority of the Divine appointment as priests which had been tendered him and his tribe: therefore, at the command of Jehovah, Moses directed that twelve almond rods, one for each tribe, with the tribe's prince's name written thereon, be placed within the tent of the testimony. On the following morning Moses discovered that the rod of Aaron had budded, blossomed and borne fruit (Numbers 17:8). When the people saw the miraculous sign, they accepted it as final; nor was there ever again any question of Aaron's priestly right. The rod was kept "in front of the testimony" in the sanctuary as a token of the Divine will (Numbers 17:1-11), and was at last deposited in the ark of the covenant (Hebrews 9:4).