Stompin' Tom Connors is a Canadian institution, a great country music star. (And not new country, either. Think Johnny Cash.) He seems to be omnipresent on the Candian music scene, and has a wide ranging musical style, though he is most famous for his funny songs (The Man in the Moon is a Newfie, The Hockey Song) and his songs about current events and politics. In the latter category he seems to have a song for any subject you can think of. He recently wrote one for "Baby Erica" (a two-year old from Alberta who nearly froze to death and was ever-present in the news for about a week). I also heard a good one the other day about the hardworking people of the Maritimes whose MP made an insulting remark about their work ethic. Some of his songs are a little knee-jerk patriotic for my taste ("If you don't think your country should come before yourself / You can better serve your country by living somewhere else") but for the most part he's a lot of fun.