Founded in 1946 by Frederick Mellinger, who wanted to bring European style lingerie to the American market. Over the years, Fredericks often was the exclusive supplier of innovative underwear that would later become mainstream, including the push-up bra, the front-hook bra, bras with shoulder pads, padded girdles, body-shapers, fashion bustiers, and thong panties. Its flagship store at 6608 Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood, California, includes a Lingerie Musuem with undergarments from celebrities like Cher, Madonna, Milton Berle, and the cast of Beverly Hills 90210.

Where once Frederick's dominated its market in both storefront and catalog sales, it has taken a financial beating in recent years from upstart Victoria's Secret. Look for Fredericks to remodel all of its retail outlets over the next three years to move from the naughty theme that has been their hallmark style.