I talked to her for a while tonight. Tomorrow is our first date! I'm so excited! I feel so many things, like I'm on the brink of a new adventure, I'm making a new friend, I may have a new lover in a few weeks (HIV tests first, already talked about that) - and - I may kiss my first woman tomorrow night.

The excitement is killing me. Last night it took forever to fall asleep. I kept waking up all night, and immediately thinking of her. I am in a feverish pitch, wanting her so badly I can't believe it. Two days ago, she asked me,"Is the attraction for women just intellectual, Jamie?" It's a legitimate question; it's apparently just physical, my dear. She also asked me, "Don't you want to get to know me, first?"

A good question. I think the answer is yes. But to be honest - my body wants to rip her clothes off and throw her to the bed.

But she does intrigue me, and I do want to know her better - she's very intense. She's already given me permission to use her as a model to create the erotic art I have been wanting to do for years, but have never given myself permission to do. Yes, jumping the gun quite a bit, she's a lesbian, what do I expect? And I love it anyway. I'm so excited.