Chopsticks' origins are shrouded in mystery, an inscrutable genesis residing in stuff of legends. These two sticks that are used for Asian eating utensils, made out of any material available were an invention of necessity.

Eons ago there was an Emperor of China who was so paranoid about revolt and assassination against his regime and life put forth an edict: Metal utensils, or any implements thus made, were absolutely forbidden -- to use or own!

The Chinese developed the planets' oldest civilization and they certainly disdained eating their food with their hands: so thus the chopsticks were created!

Now the other theory promotes this as a story told the increasingly pushy "foreign devils" for the purpose of pulling the wool (or maybe silk in this setting) over their eyes after guest continually irritatingly put forth the inquiry of these utensil's beginnings.

Another interesting factoid concerning chopsticks concerns etiquette behavior that is expected -- if one wants to exhibit their good manners and upbringing. This is performed by one diner taking a morsel of food off one's plate and then placing it in the other diner's mouth. Westerners' who participated in this food sharing with forks would not "gain face" by emulating this, but maybe lose their meal.

Source: Strange Customs, Manners and Beliefs A. Hyatt Verrill; 1946