Let's try this again. The first time, my windohs machine crashed before I could submit...

I was leaving work. Not my current workplace, but rather a place I worked at years ago when I was still in college. The building was the same large brown bricked, sprawling structure, but the parking lot and the surrounding streets were all wrong.

I walked across the parking lot, on autopilot, thinking about something else. Just as I was about to turn the corner where I usually park my car, I realized that it was much later than I had thought, and that my car would have probably been towed by now. How could I be so stupid. Turning the corner, I could see the tow truck idling beside the car, and a police officer standing at the front, writing on a small pad. As I walked up to him, he confidently ripped the ticket from the pad and handed it to me. I looked at him. I looked at the car. At least I wouldn't have to pay a towing charge. I looked at the car again. It was the right make. It was the right model. It was the right color. But something wasn't right. I looked at the things laying on the dashboard. I don't keep anything on the dash. Ever. I looked at the license plate. Not my license plate. I handed the ticket back to the officer with a smile and said, "Sorry, not mine" and walked away.

I walked back to the brown brick building and there, very close to the door I had left through, was my car, waiting patiently for me in the parking lot.