Along a similar vein, I present you How to make a pipe out of a Pringles tube

Disclaimer: I don't do drugs, because as a result of my medical condition, I prefer to keep a lucid mind as often as possible. However, that says nothing about people I occasionally associate with.

Me and two friends were heading down to New York City for a protest. Through the confusing vagaries of the MTA Metro North system, we made the wrong switch at Brewster North and ended up going in the wrong direction. Fortunately, we weren't the only ones who did this, as almost everyone else on our train did the same thing. While this made us feel a little better about fucking up, it didn't change the fact that we could either ride all the way back up to Wassaic and start over, or sleep in the Patterson station overnight and catch the first morning train to Brewster North. We chose the latter, and found ourselves in that one heated room with two benches that they have at backwater train stations.

Another guy made the same decision we did, and seemed pretty cool. Eventually, the conversation shifted to certain narcotic substances, and somebody happened to have a few pellets on them. Thus, the quest to make some sort of a bong-like apparatus began. Since there were no trains for the rest of the night, the guy we met jumped down onto the track and started looking for uncrushed beer/soda cans, in the hope that we* could make a water bong. He found one eventually, but early attempts at poking a hole in it failed. Suddenly, we remembered that one of my friends had a near-empty can of Pringles in his bag.

The Pipe
Initially, their plan was to poke several holes on the top of the Pringle can (on one end) and to inhale from the opening. In essence, this**:

holes here | | |
______________________ _ _ __
opening |
opening |

Unfortunately, someone poked the hole at the top too big, thus defeating the idea. Suddenly, I remembered that I had a roll of duct tape in my bag (after all, you never know what you need at a protest). The can was reconfigured as so:

holes through layer | | |
of duct tape here V V V
______________________ _ _ __
@ |
opening (through duct tape) |
@ |

After this kluge, the three proceeded to put the pellets on top of the holes, light them up, and inhale the smoke through the hole of the duct tape. They seemed rather pleased, and I was quite amused by the whole affair, especially when they were talking about a Sour Cream and Onion high.

*While I already said that I don't do drugs, I wanted to see these guys succeed, if only because the massive amount of creative thought that was put into the problem.

**Using ASCII art to depect a Pringles pipe on E2 is either my pinnacle as a noder or the beginning of my downfall. Discuss amongst yourselves.