I was at Six Flags with some friends, who are strangers in the dream, when I see an old friend of mine that I obviously miss. I find my way with my friends of walking towards her and she sees me and goes hysterical. She asks how I have been doing and we talk some more about different things.

All of a sudden I am in a class with a bunch of students, almost like an auditorium college class, but these were kids in high school. Some other teachers and I are walking around making sure that everyone is behaving and doing their work. I end up laying down on a table and falling asleep. I remember how my body felt like it was drifting away and then I was asleep. I woke up not knowing whether or not I had been asleep for five minutes or thirty. I sit up groggily and I look at myself in a mirror and my hair is standing up and is messy, which I hate utterly but then who doesn't?.

The class ends and I walk outside to my car, which is not my car but my cousin's in the dream. I get outside and I see a truck coming fast towards the school walls, which were made of glass. I see the truck jump the curb and slam right into the front of the school. I think in my head, "What the." I look at the driver, an old man who works for the school. Luckily the glass didn't break because it morphed into plastic and was just damaged. A lady comes out from the other side looking as though nothing happened.

I think nothing of it and I continue to walk to the black Suburban. I see some students from the class and they are hurrying to their cars. They start racing and I get into my car wishing to race too. So I turn on the car as fast as I can and try to catch up to them. The school I notice is on a hill and you have to go down the hill to get to the street. I wanted to catch up so bad but couldn't because of all the traffic. I almost hit some cars in front of me in my haste but end up not.

I see two buses pass by and I'm transported into the bus with cheerleaders and football players. I am lying on the floor of the bus with a blanket over me. I realize that I am not my wearing pants or underwear, so I shift around and put them on. Theres some commotion in the front and I decide to go that way, a cheerleader says that "I will do." Another one says, "Oh its you, well you're pretty hot." I didn't understand at the time what they meant, we all then watch some cartoons that were playing on a tv.

In my dream I know the driver because he is my friend, I realize that he has driven much further than where I was supposed to be dropped off. I go up to him and tell him and he looks at me and nods. He turns around and we head back. I look back into the bus and now there are no more football players, only cheerleaders. And I think to myself, "Umm..." Then my alarm clock goes off and I woke up.