Let me just inject myself into this:
1) What happens in Switzerland or England is fairly irrelevant. Other countries have different cultures and different laws, and proposing that giving everyone in the US automatic weapons would work because it works in Switzerland(and that is along with compulsory military training) is lunacy.
2) There needs to be some kind of large, credible study done in the US, showing what happens when stricter gun control measures are enacted. Both sides throw out the same old statistics over and over, and they completely contradict each other.
3) The Constitution is not so sacred that it can't be changed. We've already changed it 17 times since the Bill of Rights, and we can make that 18 if need be. I agree that most gun control these days probably violates the Second Amendment, but pro-gun people must realize that the Constitution, by itself, is not an argument. You must set forth a reasoned, reasonable position, to convince the rest of us to let you keep your guns.
4) However, the fact that many Americans don't like the Second Amendment is not excuse for passing unconstitutional laws. If there's something in the Constitution we don't think makes sense, we should pass an Amendment. Just ignoring the Constitution whenever it becomes convenient to do so is not acceptable.
5) A gun in the house of a law-abiding citizen can be a threat to people. We see tons of accidental gun deaths every year. However, I will not give up my freedom because of laws based on the idiocy of the lowest common denominator in our society. I don't think requiring mandatory trigger locks is overly oppressive. Beyond that, if your child kills himself or someone else with the loaded gun you left sitting on the table, you should go to jail.