In a live-action roleplaying game, such as those written by the MIT Assassins' Guild, this designates any plot which, by its very nature, is likely to cause players to ignore their other goals and plots in favor of supporting or opposing the epic-level plot.

Epic-level plots come in three basic flavors:

Destroy the world plots (DTW plots)
DTW plots usually revolve around large, complex rituals in high-magic games, or racing to the top of a tech tree in sci-fi games. DTW plots tend to die out quickly once their existence becomes public, as a good guy mob will form to go kill the evil world-destroyers. Hint: If you're not a subtle world-destroyer, have half your party kill the good guys while the other half go destroy the world.
Rule the world plots
The most neutral of the epic-level plots, this one can sometimes slide by without the entire game jumping onto the bandwagon to affect the outcome. Unless, of course, someone is trying to rule the world by brainwashing the world (say, via Orbital Mind Control Lasers). Sometimes an outcome of economic plots.
Save the world plots
Saving the world is a traditional good guy thing to do. Most world-saving plots come down to "stop so-and-so from opening a portal to Hell and summoning Cthulhu," although a more interesting alternative is "complete this ritual, which makes other rituals harder," which can lead to an interesting arms race.
Epic-level plots must be integrated very carefully into a game. Characters who have other plots may frequently punt the lower level plots in favor of saving the world, which can cause the lesser plots to break.