Coffy appears in the doorway, armed with coffee.
She sits on the edge of the bed, placing her full mugs far out of reach of waking-up legs.
She strokes the Boy's hair gently.

Me: "Wake up, Boy."

First effort elicits no response from the sleeping lug.
Coffy plants a kiss on the side of the Boy's neck.

Me: "Made you coffee."

Boy rolls in Coffy's general direction.

Boy: MMmmmmrrrrrphhhh.....

Boy smiles, eyes still closed, and turns over.

Boy: MMummph...gurgle.

Coffy rub's Boy's shoulders encouragingly.

Me: C'mon now, I have to go to work really soon. And if you don't get up now you'll still be here when I get back tonight.

Boy (faint, high-pitched): Nnnnnn....'kay.

Me: I think we almost achieved a word just then!

Coffy believes she has made! no wait! The Boy's arm is sneaking up behind her no! Mayday! Mayday! We have a woman down!
Boy growls

Me: Hmmm....shit, now we'll never get up.

Boy (making short work of Coffy's clothes): Unh-unh.