A slang term used at JHU for the despicable practices of certain members of the premed class, who would do anything to up their class standing for their med school applications. The name is short for cutthroat. A Throat could exist in almost any major, or for that matter doesn't have to be a premed, although most are. A Throat is the type of person who borrows notes and "forgets" to give them back, who checks out every single issue of Animal Behavior from the library and keeps them all semester, or a person who hires the services of the Orgo Bounty Hunters. Although I, as a lowly Writing Seminars major, have had little direct contact with throats, tales of their exploits are often heard around smoky campfires in the hallways of Wolman and McCoy, as frightened sophomores hold their study guides close to their chests with sweaty palms and squabble over the last roasted mouse, instead of subjecting themselves to the cafeteria food.