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30 hours ago, the spring was at its best and seemed to finally have taken over after the worst winter ever. Even I had gotten used to the idea of summer being just around the corner.
And now it's back to winter again. It has been snowing for over 24 hours in a row, and it will continue at least for tonight. Figures. Not that I would have anything against snow - quite the opposite, actually - but it will all melt in a day or two anyway. Ergo, puddle and mud galore. But at least you won't hear me complaining about boring weather. :)

Ok, enough from the meteorology department already.

The 4-day easter weekend has been nice, but it has got me thinking...
During easter 2000 I spent time with a friend in his tiny apartment in Helsinki. 365 days later, the said friend has performed 360 degree turn, acquired a family and pretty much severed all contact with yours truly. I'm not too naive to not understand this is perfectly natural to happen at some point, but it still pains me to see former good friends grow so distant so quickly. Does having a girlfriend really require so much time one can't be in any contact with his pals anymore? Or is the change so huge they start finding it overly hard to relate to us single guys?
Then again.. It might just be me, subconsciously putting a distance between them and myself? Maybe I do it because of jealosy, for being unable to achieve what they have? No.. I don't honestly think that is the case, since I have at least tried my best to maintain the relationships. Of course, there is just a certain amount of crap I can take before giving up. Once the certain point has passed, there's no much use to keep fighting.
At least this shows one who their real friends are. I have a few very good friends, who find time and interest to keep up the friendship despite having fruitful relationships with their significant others. I just hope I can be worthy of their attention.

All this isn't probably making any sense. I'm writing this half asleep, and will probably regret it in the morning after viewing the downvotes. It's just something I wanted to get off my chest.

For those who didn't feel like reading through the entire babbling, I present the Reader's Digest version:
I am a selfish dumbass.

Plus something I've wanted to say for a long time..
I miss Booyaa's crazy day logs.
So there.