An open letter to Anna, I hope you read these words one day but then again, more importantly, I hope you know we lived them.

So today is your 10th birthday. I guess what they say is true, time flies when you’re having fun.

I really don’t know where to begin to say thanks. Do I say it for the infinite smiles that you’ve brought to my face over the years? Do I say it for the memories that I have and for those that are sure to come? Do I say it for all of the little things that you do that makes my life what is ? I don’t know the answers to these and many other questions. I doubt anybody does.

I do know this though, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today, right now, at this moment, if it wasn’t for you. These words which I commit here, which used to come so hard, now seem to come so naturally. It’s as if I was blinking my eyes. I shudder to think what I might have become had I been left to my own devices. I always had a knack for shirking certain responsibilities in the past but these days, it seems there’s one that will always take precedence and that one is you. Someday, if you're willing to listen, I’ll the stories of what life was like before you came along and how adrift I felt.

I gotta admit, when you came along, I was nervous at first. This whole single dad thing scared the living daylights out of me. Today, I couldn’t picture it any other way. Along our little journey, we’ve both had our ups and downs and life for some stretches, hasn’t been easy for either of us.

Judging by the way things are turning out, it looks as though we’ve weathered our first storms. There will probably be many more but our little station in life has been something of a proving ground. The storms haven’t weakened us as they would a building but instead, have made us stronger. We will put our face against the wind and brave whatever comes our way. We will not persevere, we will thrive. That is the promise that the father makes to the daughter. As the ensuing years go by, you must hold me to it.

So to you my little girl, so wise beyond your years and yet willing to learn more about the yourself, other people and the world every day, I say thank you and happy birthday. We have ridden it out this far, hopefully calmer waters await us as we turn the next corner.

All my love,


Okay, so much for the sappy stuff. When I announced my kid's intention to node here at E2, I promised that I wouldn’t C! any of her stuff. I’d let you fine people be the judge and if history is any indicator, your judgment has thus far been favorable. I’m not one to break rules, especially those I impose upon myself, but as a small token of gratitude and to bring a smile to her face, she deserves it.