Keyboards in a computer lab with very sticky keys that make you...

...rethink your position as a computer technician for this school full of little people. Years of network engineering experience and you end up asked to clean keyboards. Leave your ego at the door when educating tomorrow's network engineers...

Little Johnny's cough sprays into every crevice, while Janie alternates between picking at the keyboard and at her nose. Mary looks like she just left the Hershey factory, Joey probably hasn't been bathed in weeks, and Suzy's parents sent her to school with some tropical flu because "She has perfect attendance and a deadly virus shouldn't ruin that."

Bobby has the measles, Zana is playing with a blob of some kind of slime. Jennifer apparently had maple syrup on her pancakes this morning, and Billy spits when he talks (he just had some dental work.)

So many students come to school with so many diseases and the school insists their health is most important. It is this same school that makes policies saying "You'd better not miss two days, or you'll be 21 before high school.". All those germs, so many fingers, so many keys.

Oh how I hate to think of the civilizations, the colonies of bacteria under and between those keys! Every keypress sending up a cloud of intermingled micro-organisms that are hitherto undefined by science. Cultures growing on the ham grease, chocolate, and pudding residue rival the worst a bio-warfare lab can come up with, of that I'm certain.

Oh the horrors of an elementary school computer lab! Even the teacher's machine isn't safe. The teacher usually has to eat her lunch, clean up after Joey spewed his lunch, and drink her SlimFast over and around her keyboard. And honestly, the keyboard is only the beginning. There are still the mice to contend with...

Side note: by a wierd twist of fate, CmdrTaco made a post on Slashdot about this very topic the day after I posted this writeup. In CmdrTaco's post, there was a link to an article on about a scientific study showing that desks often have more germs than toilet seats.