So, after having some fun over claims of Everything2 being an Artificial Intelligence, I decided to give it a whirl. I decided to repeat the Turing Test performed by Capn in is like Artificial Intelligence - kinda. I'd type questions into the search line; E2's first node title would be its response. Capn got laughable responses, and I am not nearly as nice, so I'd be able to get a real laugh out of it.

Out of my spirit of fair minded serious scientific enquiry, I decided not to include the question marks in what I typed. This would mean my experiment would be conducted with a much more "advanced" E2, and the question of question marks would be avoided.


good morning everything
Good Morning, I am your cat
would you like some milk?
I would like some milk from the milkman's wife's tits
isn't that a bit rude?
isn't it a bit early for jump leads?
not if you don't start talking sense, it isn't
how to avoid people that you don't like talking to
so you don't like talking to me?
Don't stand so close to me
get a longer keyboard cable then
When keys on keyboards get switched (*)
NOTE. (*) was obviously not a complete sentence. The complete answer is obtained by taking the next link too: "When keys on keyboards get switched In America, First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the women". Which is hardly scientific.


I was easily able to use my amazing verbal repartee skillz to utterly crush Everything under my typing fingers (both of them). E2 resorted to insults, the twerp, but I was still able to demonstrate that E2 can hardly be called "polite".

And as our parents told us, all the good qualities in the world, including intelligence, are nothing if you're not polite. My little experiment confirms that E2 is plain dumb. Not to mention being a cat, rather than an AI. Cats can do marvellous things (see, e.g., the cat hack), but evidently they are incapable of politeness.