A drinking game played by a group of people (playing with yourself is not recommended) (actually playing with less then three people is not recommended) with a pair of dice. The rules seem to vary from place to place (or should I say campus to campus), but here's the set I usually play by:

Players take turns rolling the dice, a player passes on the dice when they become three man or when they roll a value which has no rule associated with it.

First person to roll a three (both dice totaling three) is the three man. That person then passes on the dice, and remains three man until someone else rolls a three. If they happen to roll three again on a subsequent turn then they can choose a new three man. Any time anyone else rolls a three on either pair of dice, the three man must drink. An optional rule here is that the three man can be told at any time, by anybody to drink -- but when this rule is enforced, beware revenge.

Snake eyes (two ones) and box cars (two sixes) give the player the ability to make a new rule or cancel a previous player instated rule. These can be as imaginative as possible, but beware revenge. Depending on the company you are playing with, this may degenerate the game into Strip Three Man, or any other number of embarassing scenerios.

Sloppy dice, or dice which fall off the table, means that the roller must drink twice.

Social in which everyone drinks, happens any time someone rolls any combination resulting in ten.

If you roll Doubles or the same value on both dice, you may split the dice between two players or hand them both to the same player of your choosing. They must roll the exact same value on both dice or drink what they roll (take as many sips as the value shown on their dice). If they succeed in rolling the same value on both dice, the original roller gets the dice back and must roll doubles again or drink twice the value of what he rolls. This continues to escalate until someone looses. The resulting # of drinks being multiplied by the round.

If you roll a four and a one, everyone must touch their nose. The last person to touch their nose drinks.

Any combination resulting in seven means the person to the left of the roller must drink.

Any combination resulting in eleven means the person to the right of the roller must drink.

There are several optional rules I've also played with on occasion:

Rolling a five and a one makes you the Dick. Once you are the Dick you must pass on the dice, and you remain the Dick until someone else rolls a five and a one or until you roll a five and a one again. When you are the Dick, anyone at anytime can say drink Dick and you have to drink.

Another five and one variation is that any time anyone rolls a five and a one, everyone must put their thumb on the table. Last person drinks.

As I said, there are many variations to the rules. Most of which are developed on-the-fly as part of the rule making rule. These include players loosing articles of clothing every time they roll a certain value, having to drink everytime you say drink as well as many others. People with other rules are encouraged to node them here.