Maybe an explanation why alone Mr.Kohl's refusal to name the donators is more or less a criminal offense (of course the politicians took care that it is one which has no punishments associated with it):

  • Article 21 of the German constitution states that (my translation): "Political parties [...] have to give public account of source and usage of their resources as well as their wealth."

  • When becoming German chancellor Mr. Kohl had to swear an oath, which contains according to article 56 of the constitution the following "I vow [...] to protect and observe constitution and federal laws [...] ."

So Mr. Kohl is putting his "word" higher than the German constitution and thereby breaching constitution and his oath at the same time. Also, non-acceptance of the constitution is in Germany a ground for dismissal as civil servant. Mr. Kohl as former head of all civil servants is now really a role model for his former subordinates. Despite all this he is still trying to stylize himself as martyr.