And how about in the context menu?

Add to the registry something like this: the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MenuExt\Everything Search Its default should be "c:\windows\e2search.htm" or something. Also, put there a binary value, with data 0x10.

Now, put a file at wherever you pointed that thing, with this in:

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
var EverythingURL = "";

 var Win = external.menuArguments;
 var activePage = sourceWin.document;
 var locus = sourceWin.location;
 var activeSelection = activePage.selection;
 var rngActive = activeSelection.createRange();
 var selectedText = new String(rngActive.text);
  EverythingURL = EverythingURL + "node="  + selectedText;
  if (Win.location.hostname=="") {
   var foo=activePage.links(0).search.match(/&lastnode_id=\d*/);

It even soft links.
Should do the trick.

This file should be hosted somewhere, then you'd just need to write the URL in the registry and you'd be all set.