I peer across a chasm
And you peer back.
From light-years away you are just a speck,
But the speck brings into my mind a vivid picture of you,
What you were, what you are.

That chasm is time,
For many months have passed since we last held hands.

It is space,
For many miles and cities separate us.

It is thought,
For we agreed on love and not much else.

It is lost hopes,
Filled with mounds of others' shattered dreams,
Piercing shards of crystalline despair,
An impasse, frightening all - or most - who see them.

I pray for rain
That it may fill that abyss, conceal the bottom,
And then across that river we may meet
And hold each other -
Amid the deluge
Let us fly, let us drown.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We are not alone there;
Throngs line the sides of the chasm
And watch their hopes fall in.
Others cross by treading on those broken hopes
And mocking them all through.
But let us not.

I cannot discern your face, but I know you are there.
I feel your glance on me, and I know
That only you would see me, and only I see you,
For the others there look down on us.

I know you read my thoughts when I point to the east
And mouth "Walk there," as we hope
That the two sides shall come together, letting us cross.
But if the time grows short,
Leap toward me, for I'll leap toward you;
And though we'll sink if we miss, if we meet, we shall soar.