We are told that Adam was created first and that Eve followed. I had wondered if God did not create all the other creatures this way, with the male first and the female following. Surely He didn't, but why was it this way with Man? I am told that God made Man in His Image, and so Man must have been a very special creature indeed. It was God who noted that "it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him" (NIV). The Bible tells it to us this way, not that Man was sullen or complained or desired a companion, taking his issues with God one on one, as they did in those days.

I am not curious as to God's motives for this course of action for feminist reasons. I am a Christian and have learned that there are lots of things I will never understand about God because He is not exhaustive. I have no problem with the fact that Man was made first. Nor do I think my question will ever get an answer, especially from those who would answer it with some pro-male take on it. Opinions are not feelings, and I don't think they should always be.