Today is my second day of work here at my summer job. Coincidentally, this is the first write up i've written on e2 in quiet some time. Perhaps these two events aren't coincidental... Its not my fault that there is actually work to do while at school, but none at this job (not bad pay for doing nothing)

So a little more about my job, in case anyone cares. I'm working at an engineering firm that contracts to the military (US and its allies). I'm an 'engineering intern' apparently. The people around me are all working on pretty interesting things. Radios for the military, GPS software, etc. Of course, i don't know if i'll eventually be doing something relavent to any of these projects. For now its just sitting around waiting to be told to do something.

Today is also my brother's birthday. He turns 23 or something like that. And I, being a 'young one', am going to have to start calling him old man. (If i call a 23 year old man, imagine what i'd call some of you people).