This node was inspired by Finnish swearwords and curses. It's a list of some useful Norwegian phrases, if you ever need to insult a Viking standing on your beach, readying the largest battle-axe you have ever seen...

Disclaimer: The author takes no responsibility for the effects of use or misuse of these words. If you are easily offended, please leave this node at once. If, on the other hand, this isn't juicy enough, have a look at North Norwegian swearwords and curses.

  • Faen
    Derived from "Fanden", which means "The Devil", this is a very commonly used curse.
  • Satan
    Well, I guess this doesn't need explanation. Used just like "faen", only less common.
  • Helvete
    "Hell". Used much like in English.
  • Jævlig/Jævla
    "Devillish". A very common adjective which have several connotations. It can mean that the thing you describe is extreme in some way ("jævlig stor" = "very big") or to mean disapproval of something ("jævla dust!" = "bloody moron!"). Used much like "fucking".
  • Fitte
    Equivalent to "cunt", this word has aquired a strong, negative meaning. (This is the reason Honda Fitta was renamed to Honda Jazz...)
  • Pikk
    "Dick". Used much like "faen", but much more rude because it's less common.
  • Dritt
    "Shit". Not used much by itself, more often used as an adjective or a prefix, e.g. "Drittbil" = "Shitty car". Another example is the common drittsekk, which means "dirtbag".
  • Rasshøl
    "Asshole". Very rude. Used like in English.
  • Herregud
    "Lord, God". Used to express frustration.
  • Svarte
    "Black". Medium rudeness factor. Can be used like "faen" or as an adjective.
  • Pokker
    A milder version of "faen", this is something you could probably get away with with your mum.
  • Fillern
    Even milder, even your granny probably wouldn't wince from this once.
  • Søren

These days, though, it seems like almost anything can be used as a curse among young people. It will all depend on the way it is said, I guess.

When you're done cursing, have a look at Norwegian polite phrases.