I know this is probably an unpopular opinion with our American friends, but I'm going to give it a shot anyway. Please don't downvote this for the sole reason of disagreement.

I think that the lack of interest in politics in democratic countries today, and espescially USA, is a symptom of people having it "too good". If you were really discontent, wouldn't you want to make sure that someone you liked would get in power? As long as people are generally pleased (and this may not be conciously), they don't care who rule over them.

Note that this is probably not a good thing. It reminds me alot of the Roman bread and circus...

"You are the Roman Empire of today."
- Eddie Izzard to Americans

Addendum: To people who feel they can't influence the election with their vote; see the argument at Genuine but Insignificant Cause (a logical fallacy).