An old rant of mine from elsewhere:

There is no such thing as drugs anyway. Any statement about "drugs" should be regarded with great suspicion, if not scorn. Do drugs make you feel good? Some do, some don’t. Are drugs dangerous? Some are, some not. Are drugs addictive? Some are, some not.

Drugs range from natural substances that have been used for 10 000 years or more, to synthetics invented recently. Highly addictive to non-addictive. Micrograms to grams. Uppers to downers, openers to closers, calmers to aggressors, Sensory enhancers to sensory deprivation, legal and illegal.

Every molecule is a unique way of looking at the world, calling them all "drugs" means less than nothing - it actually robs you of understanding. The only thing that illegal drugs all have in common is that they are illegal.