I met one of my friends from when I was little for lunch today. We brought our moms along (what great kids we are...). It really is strange to sit across from someone who was your best friend for years and not know what to say. We haven't talked much in the last few years, and I guess we got more out of touch than I had realized. Still great to see her though, maybe I'll actually not be lazy and try to see her more now. It's just weird how different we are now.

Going down to Tampa, Florida tomorrow, a nine hour drive in a car with 3 smokers. Eek! Not looking forward to the drive at all. I don't even know if I'm looking forward to the trip that much. I understand that everyone wants to get out of boring Raleigh, but going down to the Keys with no plans made ahead of time is just not my idea of fun. But hey--I promised not to be Plan Ahead Girl on this trip, so I guess I'll just keep my mouth shut when they realize that they won't be able to find a hotel on New Year's Eve. Eh, I need to stop this! I will have fun.

I'm meeting friends for dinner tonight. I feel like I've been eating all day long.

*Sigh* I miss my computer. I wish I hadn't left it at school over break.