Republican Senator from Indiana

Senator Richard (Dick) Lugar was born April 4, 1932, in Indianapolis. He was an Eagle Scout. He attended Shortridge High School and Denison University in Ohio. He married Charlene Smeltzer on September 8, 1956. They have four sons and seven grandchildren.

After graduating from Denison in 1954 Lugar studied economics, politics and philosophy as a Rhodes Scholar at Pembroke College, Oxford University. In 1956, he volunteered for active duty in the Navy, in which he served three years and four months.

In 1960, Lugar returned to Indiana to help manage his family's business along with his brother Tom. The business Thomas L. Green & Co. manufactures farm and food machinery. Lugar still manages his family's 604-acre Marion County farm. The farm grows corn, soybean and trees.

Lugar’s first elected position was on the Indianapolis Board of School Commissioners where he worked on voluntary school desegregation. Lugar then served as mayor of Indianapolis from 1968-75. He was elected to the United States Senate in 1976 and has since been elected to his fifth term (2000). He ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1995.

Lugar is a trustee of Denison University, his alma mater, and vice chairman of the board and former instructor at the University of Indianapolis. Committees:

His website and contact info:

Telephone: (202) 224-4814
Office: Room 306 in Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-1401