There are three things, of which I put at least one of into just about everything I eat: crushed red pepper, chili powder, and cilantro. I call them the three C's. The peppers can go into just about anything (soup, pasta, cheesy stuff). Chili powder is the same way (I recently discovered that it makes a wonderful additive to tuna salad). Cilantro must be given a bit more thought. I've found it goes best in soup and marinara, but just about anything with a fairly basic flavor that you'd like to give a subtle little kick is great. It's also got the coolest name of anything. Cilantro. It's just so damn fun to say! Sometimes, people will ask me what that flavor is they detect in my food, and I'll give them a huge grin and say "CILANTRO!" I would probably still use it, even if it didn't taste like mandibular ecstacy, just because of the name.

Oh, try putting cilantro and garlic powder in your salsa some time, it rocks.