Blessing or curse? This seems to depend on your point of view.

Women with red hair are generally assumed to have some kind of exotic quality or fiery character, and this makes them appealing. Women by the busload dye their hair red, often (at least in my opinion) choosing truly garish shades. But if it works for them, well then who am I to complain?

I am a man with red hair. I therefore live in a completely different universe, one wherein boys with red hair are taunted throughout childhood and adolescence. My only consolation growing up was that my face was not covered in freckles, with which my redheaded brethren are too often doomed.

I'm going to beat you like a redheaded stepchild

Ever heard that expression? It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I offer, for your consideration, a brief biographical retrospective from my formative years (excluding, for space reasons, the 8-9 million times I was called "red"):

The list could go on and on. Eventually, people stopped harping on it, instead musing about whether my hair would turn pink as I go gray. Ha ha ha. Fuck you.

For the record, I now consider myself to have quite a nice head of hair. And I take comfort in the fact that, genetically speaking, I will likely not go bald. So, to my onetime detractors and their soon to be shiny heads: Ha ha ha. Fuck you.