WEEKEND ALMOST OVER: Visited IKEA on a reconnaisance mission for the move to the new apartment. Ended up with two large bags of remotely useful stuff (extension cords - because they were cheap as hell, coat hangers - lots of 'em and a blanket.) Rollo vs. the IKEA marketing dep.: 0-1.
Spent the rest of the day outside, playing guitar. Surprisingly warm weather and the strings no longer draw blood after excessive playing.

LITERARY ADVANCES: Finished Excession by Iain M. Banks. One of the better Culture novels, IMHO. Started reading Against a Dark Background.

HARDER! FASTER! Lots of work to be done this weekend. I'm getting more and more depressed about this project, and it looks like I've got a pretty harsh week coming up. Ugh. I'd rather be somewhere else...
Sent a mail that took me three hours to compose, and I'm not sure it will clarify things very much. Och, at least I will have the schedule for the upcoming week figured out. Lots of stuff that needs to be filled in. Two weeks until acceptance test and counting. And someone wonered if I knew anything about those hand terminals. Hand terminals!?! *panic*

TODAY'S SOUNDTRACK: P.J. Harvey - C'Mon Billy.