Kai, the character on Lexx, is the last of the Brunnen G, a race that was destroyed by the forces of His Divine Shadow 2000 years before the start of the story.

Kai was kept alive as an assassin for the Divine Order. He killed anyone His Shadow ordered him to, mercilessly and emotionlessly. However, he got his memory back from the brain of a Divine Predecessor on the Lexx, and this allowed him to rebel. He also has the memories of the Divine Predecessors and all of his victims, thought these memories can be difficult to access because there are so many of them.

Kai claims to have no emotion or motivation because he is dead; however, he often acts smug or amused. Also, he believes very strongly in justice. He does not have any interest in sex, and, much to Zev/Xev's chagrin, he is incapable of doing it.