I recently read this fairly interesting article on how the shape of the human penis indicates that we were made for philandering -- the obvious benefit is that the relatively long shaft and puffy mushroom-shaped head serves to deliver fresh-squeezed ball-juice deeper into a woman's vagina. But more interestingly, if she happens to have gotten busy with another man in the previous few hours or even the last day or so, it enables the next man's sexual motions to displace the sperm of her previous beau. So, the sperm that meets the egg will more likely be that of the second man, who will unwittingly vacuum out some from the first.

Now, I was thinking of this in the context of the old intelligent design canard about the evolution of the eye, and how "perfectly" the eye was designed for its purpose (even though, for reasons best explained by evolution, the wiring is all in backwards). But the penis is, in terms of the success of the species, every bit as important as the eye. Blind men can reproduce, after all -- but men without penises, not so much. Not saying it's impossible, but the blind are just much better equipped for it (and, as has just now been pointed out to me, have "a wider pool of potential mates" as they will not be deterred by physical appearance).

Now, what does all this have to do with anal sex (which is, after all, what you're here for).... well, if we are the product of intelligent design, and everything is perfectly designed for its purpose, than why are men and women alike designed to be able to receive (and enjoy) anal sex at all? Think about it -- the anus is actually a sleeve-like ring of muscle which acts as the gatekeeper for the rectum. The anal aperture is able to stretch wide enough to let an object a few inches around pass through. Curiously, it also has a significant concentration of nerve endings, so plenty of people find anal stimulation to be pleasurable. And in fact, for males, stimulation of the prostate is said to be like an additional erogenous zone. Plus, the rectum presents a fairly long and straight cavity, so the typical adult human anus and rectum combination are capable of accommodating the typical adult human penis, long shaft, puffy mushroom-head, and all. And let us not forget, the person wielding the penetrating penis has quite a good time of it too.

There is no particular biological imperative for anal sex to work out so darn well. If we really weren't meant to do it, there are an almost infinite number of more efficient systems that our bodies could use to evacuate solid waste. And even if this were the best means, there's no reason why the stimulation of anal penetration should be particularly pleasurable, and yet some people (men and women both) swear by it!! So, if we are a product of intelligent design, it would appear that our designer quite thoughtfully went out of its way to make anal sex not only something that our bodies can easily accommodate, but something that would be a mutual gift of pleasure.