Do you have some time tonight? I have to talk to—we have to talk about some things I’ve been thinking about. I can feel the butterflies begin to flutter in your stomach look reflected in your monitor as you read this email. It’s not one of the Big Four, you can relax. It’s taken me a couple of days to arrive at this point, so I want to talk about it with you.

This message struck me like a ton of bricks, pinning me in its glare like a deer in the headlights. I felt like an abandoned car pushed over a cliff. Hold that metaphor. Quels sont les quatre enormes? I thought that perhaps counting off these things could ameliorate my fears, help me grasp the situation. I asked her to list the Big Four.

The big four thing was a joke. The cliche "We need to talk" that always ends in
  1. I want to break up
  2. I want to get married
  3. I've cheated on you
  4. I'm pregnant
At any rate, none of the above apply.

Eventually, we did tackle each of the Big Four, with results as appropriate, but, at that moment, the Earth resumed its rotation around the sun.