Any wisdom or insight that I impart upon others is merely a grain of sand upon the Shore of Truth. My explanations stem from my own fallible understanding, the mind of an imperfect man. Rather than heed my words, the vain imaginings uttered from a flawed mouthpiece, watch for my deeds and actions toward others. Truly, actions speak louder than words. If the fruits of my labors and dealings with other people speak highly of my intentions, if they are good, be free to agree, but look not upon them as a point of authority. If, however, the fruits of my labors are bitter, shun me from sight and heed not a letter of a single word that should spill from my sinful tongue. In regards to the Truth of God, I am but a simpleton. Hearken, instead, to the Texts of His Divine Utterance and Guidance, that His might may be revealed through understanding and, eventually, Faith. The Word of God is an ocean of knowledge whereas my own human wisdom is but a drop thereof. Blessed be His full Ocean of Grandeur and Divine Knowledge!

Or, in layman's terms, "Don't quote me, boy, I ain't said shit."

I have come to realize that I am not a teacher. I am a servant, rather, to those who wish to learn. My own experiences may reveal unrealized wisdom to others, but I will forever be a student of life and am not to be looked upon as a role model. I am not perfect. I am human and imperfection is as ingrained in me as breathing. I will make mistakes and not understand them. I will be awful, at times, with my timing. I will unknowingly hurt myself and others in ways I couldn't possibly foresee. I am in the process of knowing myself and that process is eternal; I will never be in a station where I can tell anyone what anything means with 100% certainty. I would rather listen and learn from others as well as myself than waste my time (and that of other people) by trying to pass myself off as someone who knows what's going on in the world. Any clue I get into the reality of the world is for me and me only to truly appreciate and comprehend because all others are shut from my perspective in life. No one else can really see the world the same way that I do; nor can I see it as they do. This fact upholds my belief that I have no place in being an authority on anything but my own being. I can tell you what I would do in a situation, I can state how I feel about something, I can expound upon my theories on any given quote or interpretation... but it's all coming from my point of view. Someone else may see it differently, perhaps better and more clearly. I am capable of speaking truths, as individual shards of the greater mirror which reflects The Truth, but the capacity to know The Truth, in its entirety, is beyond my scope. Don't look to me for guidance or wisdom. I have none to offer you. On the other hand, I'm willing to bet that there is plenty of wisdom you can offer yourself, if you'll open your eyes and see it.