Writing everything about everything.

The Best of The Week


She sits in the chair that faces the window, and eats cottage cheese and papaya for breakfast. I throw some rolled oats in a pot with some water. Stand at the stove and watch water boil. 

Morning, she says. How did you sleep?

Under the covers. Head on a pillow.

Just comes naturally, doesn't it. Smartass. Soon as your feet hit the floor.

It’s a gift, I say.

Give it back, she says. 

That papaya you're eating?

Want some, she asks.

No I don’t like papaya. Never have liked papaya.

What’s wrong with papaya?

It’s musky, I say. I don’t like musky fruit.

The oatmeal sticks to the bottom of the pot. I scoop what I can in a pink plastic bowl

Fine, she says. More papaya for me. So how did you sleep?

I don’t feel like I did. Had a terrible dreamnightmare really—I lived, for some reason, with John Cassavettes and the place was just crawling with…not

the toucan sat on his perch at the zoo

dark round berries in a pan at his feet

he took each one in the tip of his bill

and threw his head back

and most of the berries were lost to the ground

I watched him about half an hour or so

he tilted his head at each berry that fell

picked up some more and dropped most of them too

and after Muhammad Ali passed away

I thought of that bird and his pan and his perch

Epic: The Musical is an in-progress concept album and loose adaptation of The Odyssey. It is written/composed by Jorge Rivera-Herrans, who began the project in 2019 but first posted about it to the public in 2021.

Production is ongoing, and completed songs are released on story-arc clusters called "Sagas" while incomplete demos (usually sung by Rivera-Herrans himself) are released on Rivera's social media

News for Noders

May 1: May day.

May 3: Happy birthday ImConfused!

May 4: May the Fourth be with you!

May 8: Happy birthday E2D2!

May 10: Happy birthday BIII!

May 12: Mother's day in the USA.

May 27: Memorial Day in the USA.

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

April 1: The E2 Dadaism Quest starts today! Please show off your Dadaist chops with lots of fig inverted urinal.

April 1: The 2024 LieQuest has been cancelled.

April 12: Yuri's Night

April 22: Happy Earth Day, fellow earthlings!

April 23: Saint George's Day.

April 24: Happy birthday, Rancid_Pickle!

April 30: Walpurgis Night.

If you have something to add to the monthly news, /msg Tem42.

March 14th: Pi day.

March 10th: Daylight saving time celebrated by many.

March 19th: The first equinox of the year.

March 31st: Happy birthday mad girl's love song!

Get ready for LieQuest 2024, starting on April 10th!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

February 2: Happy birthday Auspice!

February 2: Happy birthday npecom!

February 5: Happy birthday wertperch!

February 8: Happy birthday to panamaus

February 15: Happy birthday Admin to the goo!

February 15: Terse Quest 2024 begins!

February 23: Happy birthday Samuel Pepys!

February 29: Happy birthday Browncoat!

If you have an item for this calendar, /msg Tem42.

January 1: Gregorian New Year.

January 16: National Nothing Day.

January 24: Happy Birthday Silverai_me!

January 26: Happy Birthday Segnbora-t!

January 30: Happy Birthday O-Swirl!

If you have something to add to the monthly news, /msg Tem42.