The process of cloning a human is just the same as any other mammal. You get the nucleus from a cell of the organism you want to clone, put it into an empty host egg cell (sorry, I don’t know the real term) and hope that it starts growing. It’s basically genetically precise conception.

The thing that most people don’t seem to realize is that all this creates is a baby with the same genetic code which will translate into an identical body. It does not create an identical human. In order to create an identical person, that clone would have to go through the exact same experiences as the original, and that is, in reality, impossible. Furthermore, cloning yourself would not extend your life, because all you would have done is create another human that looks just like you. In order for that to actually be you, your brain would have to be transplanted into that body, as well as a few other, less important things (like memory cells your body creates after it attacks a virus). Talking your clone into giving up their body will be another challenge.

Currently, nobody has compleatly cloned a human being yet, or at least nobody has said anything, but it won't be long now.

If there is anything factually wrong with this write-up, please /msg me.