Name: Mikel Tandeva
Professional name: General Carnage
6 Evil Street

To construct synergies killing people for my own personal pleasure (Since I am evil) and to proactively enhance my ninja combat skillz. Also, to get some experience to list on my resume

5 GCSEs and 3 A-Levels from the Leningrad School for Evil (Grant-maintained)
3-year out-of-country degree from Oxford (UK) in Ninja Combat (Specialising in Kung-fu)
Army fast-track graduate program (Assasination department), under Colonel Evil

Practical Experience
  • 5 years in Army Assasination Department, fast-track progression to rank of General
  • Subcontracted by Mr. Death-monster. Acted as trusted liutenant and violent enforcer. Fought Mr. I'm Nicer Than You on the wing of an jet aircraft, getting thrown off and fortunately landing in a conveniently placed river.
  • Recruited into a government-funded gang of crime-fighting oddballs and misfits (who start by arguing and fighting constantly, but after dicing with death, become friends for life) called the 'Just-Us Squad'. Dispanded due to infighting between missions.
  • Trusted Liutenent to Anne Robinson, killing her to take command of the evil 'The Weakest Link' empire. There was little power to be had without the feared evil-alligned mage, and after her removal, the organisation colapsed. Fortunately, I had an oppertunity to steal the emergency clones, which I sold to TV networks at a substantial price, netting me quite a profit.