A drink, mysteriously popular in the land of Germany. It's made with beer and cola, 1/2 and 1/2, and tastes a lot like a birthday cake smothered in mustard.

I accidentally received one once when I ordered a Diebels in a loud club. The taste benefits of this juxtaposition proved to be beyond my comprehension.

I can only speculate blindly as to how the idea caught on there. Perhaps a bartender sat around talking to himself in a wheedling, insane voice, "Hmm. We've had this stuff for a while, and this stuff, too. Wonder what it would taste like if we mixed it all together!?" Wine and coffee have been around for quite sometime, too, and as far as I know, it's never been popular to mix those, either. They both taste great alone, but combine them and you have nothing short of abomination!