Last night, I was a planet hurling through the vast expanses of space. I saw stars all around me, so impossibly far away...

    what are those distant places like?

Around me, a moon orbited. Foolish thing. What was it doing here, out in the cold darkness, and why was it circling me? I don't recall when I first became aware of its presence.

  and around
    and around, it went

It filled me with a sense of both nausea and comfort. I wasn't alone out here.

I was a planet, with a moon.

or maybe i was just a bored, hopelessly inebriated, lost boy who was laying in the middle of a park at an ungodly hour of the night, staring at the sky, watching with bemused fascination as a jogger -- who for some inexplicable reason was carrying a hockey stick -- ran laps around him.

I felt like a planet, anyway.