I must thank WickerNipple for having all of us over at his humble abode. The food was scrumptious ("Gah! What the... Salt and Vinegar?!"), the wine was good (once I found the non-vinegar bottle), and the noders were amazing.

Stand/Alone/Bitch was clearly on top of things, as she memorized everyone's names (real and e2, though the debate about the "real" name continues) and managed to cut two noders' hair. Yossarian took the brunt of her aggression as he lost quite a bit of hair (don't worry clearpebbles, I saved a chunk of it to send to you soon).

I have random images of dead with his pants down, WinkerNibble grabbing crotches, learning Russian from zot ("vodka" is Russian for "vodka"), watching Kit_Lo devour lemon pie, learning how to properly pronounce ansate's name (whatever you think it is, it isn't), discussing philosophy with perdedor, finding out that there are, in fact, non-noders that can hang out successfully with noders, and the highlight of the night: playing a part in the end of yossarian's hair.

I must thank whoever brought the wine, because I do believe I single-handedly finished 90% of the bottle. If you're around for the karaoke that I'm planning for late January, I'll buy you a few drinks.

Thanks to all the noders at the party for a great time. I apologize for not sticking around to help clean up (umm.... nope, I didn't plan that... really!). Well, I can't wait to see you all again. Party on, clean noders!