Disability can be a very relative concept, and Society often bestows its pity upon those who need and want it least. Words like paraplegic lend themselves to broad generalisation by the able-bodied, who uncomfortably avert their eyes or rant about the wastefulness of handicap parking1 spaces, but it turns out that there are numerous levels of function among those who suffer from spinal cord injuries. For instance, the dictionary2 defines quadriplegia as "Complete paralysis of the body from the neck down" (as opposed to quarterplegia, the inverse, which I define as complete paralysis from the neck up), but did you know that there are people classified as quadriplegics who can walk? There are, and it's all down to the vagaries of medical terminology.
        The point here is that people with disabilities, like everyone else, are individuals. Some, of course, welcome the pity they receive; but many more want a chance to lead a normal life and to be accepted for what they can do.
        I might not have come to realise all this, except I fell in love with a very bright, positive, energetic woman who only happens to be confined to a wheelchair.3 What she goes through just to get in and out of the supermarket is a real eye-opener, but I think she pretty well sums things up when she says, "I'm not disabled; I'm inconvenienced."
1I've actually heard people say, "Well if they can't function in society, they should just stay home. Why should I walk all the way across the parking lot just so some gimp can be close to the front door?" Um... because you can? Duh.

2The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

3My biggest worry is how on earth I'm ever going to keep up with her.