I came into possession of a machine. It had no name that I knew of, it was a large machine, a shape and size reminiscent of those big Cray supercomputers from the early nineties, about the size of a middlish bathroom and cylindrical.

This machine was like a drug. One would walk inside the machine and remain there, trapped in what resembled paroxysms of electrocution. It had the same property as electrocution in that it held you there, unyielding to any escape you might try. But occupants of this machine would not try to escape, I saw occupants just stay there, being held by this machine. I remember seeing the consequences in the people who entered the machine, a broken person. One day, I entered the machine myself, by accident. I remember this incredible feeling of sadness. An inescapable sorrow, being held and saddened by this machine and it's needless bonds of quasi-electric paralysis. The feeling in this machine was like taking sadness to the level of sleep, being enveloped by it. it was as though sadness slept inside me, and became me. I awoke what seemed days later with an ache in my entire soul in my own bed, as I had seen others awake in their own beds. Each of them knew this sadness and the sorrow that the machine brought them, but some kept going back to it, as though it were a buzz for them, the extremity of sadness shook their beings and they wanted more.

I knew I didn't want more, but as I remember in the dream, I walked into the machine at least once, willingly...