This expression is used often by people with extremely busy schedules, which don't allow them adequate time to accomplish everything they need to. Not to be confused with people who have poor time management skills, who generally prefer to complain about the harshness of their schedules, and not the nature of time.

I've become the person who wants more hours in a day. Not many, just two or three would make a big difference. I could get all my school reading done before having to go to work at night. I might even have time for trivial things like dinner, laundry, and perhaps even noding every once in a while. How glorious that would be.

I don't like to be a complainer. I should probably just invest in some speed, and see if I can go until Christmas without sleeping. I really do love school, and I have a wicked job at a bookstore, but the time is short, and the pressure will only increase. To what end? I shudder to think.