QBASIC is a programming language which can be associated with death and almost everything evil. It signifies the Evil Empire, namely Microsoft. It is a descendant of the now-defunct BASIC, BASICA, and GW-BASIC. It has been shipped with all versions of DOS since 5.0, and Windows 95 or greater somewhere or another on the CD. It seems that it was a pitch originally for Microsoft QuickBasic, a somewhat superior language. BASIC, BASICA, GW-BASIC, and QBASIC were Microsoft's only "free" programming language until Visual Basic 5.0 Control Creation Edition was posted for free download somewhere under msdn.microsoft.com. It mangled the original BASIC language to add some semblance of object-oriented programming, and is typically taught improperly by the computer programming teachers who teach it. Remember, forget about the LET statement, always DIM your variables and avoid the GOTO statement if at all possible.