Japanese word meaning roughly "approximate" or "approximately" in English. Goro usually follows an expression of specific time, because with the Japanese it is considered rude to be too direct or precise. Even if you're going to leave work at 6:00 exactly, when you tell others about it (especially superiors), you should pretend to be approximate about it nevertheless.

Watashi wa roku-ji-goro ni uchi ni kaerimasu.
I'm going home at (about) six o'clock.

Shichi-ji-goro ni aimashoo, ne.
Let's meet at (about) seven o'clock.

In the second example above, your friend will probably be there right at 7:00. Even though you said "approximately", this is a necessary politeness in Japanese and everyone knows you actually mean the time indicated, not "give or take a few minutes" like "approximate" times mean in English or other languages. See choodo for the antonym.

Written (goro), no kanji.