Stayed at home the entire day. Further excavation on the earthworks for my retaining wall. Shipment arrived from Pulled old 1.4 inch Tom Slick's off Shadowfax (commuter bike) and replaced with german-manufactured 1.0in Michelin Grand Prix. These will take a running pressure of 125psi. The result is terrifying. Bike appears to be mounted on circular blades of rapier-thickness black steel. Took long walk with friend's dog and saw amazing part of the neighborhood that I've never seen before. It was so clear that I could see the container ship cranes at the Port of Los Angeles. The Hollywood sign and Griffith Observatory looked like bad scale models, the clarity was so great. Low pressure system (rising air) combined with Santa Ana aridity created unlimited visibility. No moisture to condense out of convective updraft. Made dog fetch uphill for an hour to exhaust him. Snow on Mt. Wilson.