The Biro is a curious creature... for indeed it is a sentient lifeform that has been bonded into slavery since the Biro brothers discovered them on a hunting expedition.

I sense that you do not believe me... Well, I suppose that is your right, however, you may change your mind after reading this. Biros have a remarkable way of moving between space and they will use their power to make their escape.

I have the following experiment which you may wish to try, as suggested by Robert Rankin. If you take fifteen Biros, making sure that you hold onto them on your way home, such that none escape, and, upon entering the house place five of these by the phone, five in the kitchen and five on your desk, upon waiting for a week to pass, you should then try to write a note...

Do you believe me now...!

There have been many ways tried to control them, but so far none have worked, in other words, you have been warned!